


最近想到了一个起床妙招 找一首喜欢听自然之声的音乐 作为闹钟 提前30-40分钟,再定一个正常的闹钟,起床前十个俯卧撑,起床后喝杯水,亲测有效。 手机闹钟有个功能在于翻转手机就可以暂停闹钟,十五分钟后会继续响起,听着呗。





早睡早起,方能养生。 岁月忽已晚,努力加餐饭。 啥,你说你连这件小事都做不好? 不是懒便是怂。

欢迎补充小妙招。 解忧杂货铺。

English Version

As the saying goes, people who stay late dare not to end the day, while they sleeplate because of no courage to start the day.

Here, I’d like to share a method I found recently of getting up easily in the morning.First, you should find a favorite music with nature sound and set it as your alarmclock music 30~40 minutes before you gonna get up. Then you should set anormal alarm clock as usual.Do not try to turn off the first clock too quickly because the voice is too slight tobother you in the morning. In my phone, a function works well for me when I turnaround my phone, the clock will delay in 15 minutes!When you are gradually awake and ready for the normal clock, do some sports inthe bed and get up for the toilet. I think you need that definitely after a long gooddream.The music of nature sound will help to transform you from deep sleep into light sleep,and do some sports will make you more sober.

After you get up, you should drink a bottle of water, so prepare it in advance.when you have done these all, you will get up successfully with a good start of theday!By the way, if you have trouble in falling into sleep, I also have some suggestions.Drink some water, I think this also help you get up early ha! Do a little sports andjust listen to the English dialogue or other things with easiest media around 30minutes. Turn down the volume of the audio and You are very likely to sleep beforethe listening stops. Remember that you may need earphone to not disturb yourroommates.The one of the most evil thing could be laziness. And the best cure for laziness is toget up early, especially in winter. People who can get up early in the winter have themotivation to do anything!

Researches show that sleep may help repair the genetic material such as DNA,which interprets why we feel sleepy and have to go to bed after a long work time.We have to obey the regularity of biological clock. And two clocks strategy iseffective for me. So would you like to try this method, too?

Summary: Why and How to get rid of staying late and sleeping late。

Author:Brett lv date: 20190323